Friday, June 20, 2014

Soul-Winning Encounters

Soul-Winning Encounters

I. Casual Meeting (Restaurant/Line Grocery Store/Repair Garage)
             1. Controlled by the Spirit (Exercising Authority over Flesh: Mind/Will/Emotions)
                   *Confessed up' (Repentance:Turning away from sin...Moment by Moment)

                   *Confident He will speak through you/lead you (Faith:Turning unto Jesus...Moment by Moment)

             2. Continuing in Prayer: (Exercising Authority over Heavenly)
               *Asking for Leading/Communing w/Lord/Abiding in Him
               *Always thanking/praising the Lord for opportunity represent the King of  Universe                                                                                                             
 Initiate 3. Conversation-'Hey/Howdy...eye

             4. Complimenting: Community/Car/Condo (Honesty-No False/Empty Compliments!)

             5. Control/ (Exercise Authority) w/Questions: Are you (originally) from around here?

             6. Church: Do you have a Church that you attend here in _________________?

              -If they answer YES:
                   *Do they preach/teach the Bible there?

                   *Does your Pastor preach (The most important words in the Bible): 'Ye must be born again...?

                   *Give  brief (60 second) testimony...'When I found out what the Bible says about eternity...'

                   *Direct to Jesus... 'The Love' (Focus on His Word...Emphasize Urgency...
                                                                  Supernatural Circumstances/Divine Appointment)

                   *Give invitation to be saved...'Come unto Me all ye that labor...'

           -If they answer NO: 'May I tell you about our church and give you a brief Testimony? 
                 *Give brief testimony: 'When I found out what the Bible says about eternity'[Past/Present/Future]
                 *Direct to Jesus...'The Love'...'(Focus on His Word...Emphasize Urgency...
                                                                 Supernatural Circumstance/Divine Appointment)
                 *Give Invitation to be saved...'Come unto Me all ye that labor...'

              7. Challenge?  Our purpose is to give the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ not argue various beliefs!

              8. Concern: We want everyone to know and experience 'The Love' that Jesus has for everyone  

              9. Church Literature: Give a tract/brochure/invite them to come and visit/tell them about ministries

             10. Call again?  Document Information (Name/Date/Comments) for praying/revisiting purposes

 II. Controlled Meeting (2x2 Church Witnessing/Soul-winning/Visiting)
              1. Introduction: Good Morning, I'm_______________ and this is my friend_____________.  
                                       We're from....
III. Conversation/Phone
             1. May I ask you just one question?... If you died today do you know for sure you would go to Heaven? (This changes everything!)

             2. If they say yes, ask how they came to know? Ask when they were born again?

             3. If they say no, ask them if they would like to know? Faith & Repentance to enter the Kingdom/see the Kingdom (John 3)

             4. It's a Birth..Ye must be born again..the Bible way..according to Jesus! At one point in time..changed, converted, completely 

             5. Not an Abortion (cult/religion), Not a Still-Birth (born dead/no life), Not a Baptism (outside cleansing), Not a Church (institution)

             6. Emphasize Urgency...Now is the accepted time...Emphasize Supernatural working of God bringing you together...not accident..

             7. Give Invitation:
                 'Come unto Me all ye that laborand are heavy laden/'Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved'

             8. Followup if possible/Tell them you and other believers in church will be praying for them

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry

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