Friday, June 20, 2014

Souls for Jesus-Pastor's Planning Instructions

'Souls for Jesus'

*Time for Witnessing: Thursday Eve. 7:00-9:00 during daylight saving time/Saturday Morn. 11:00 during standard time

*Preparation for Witnessing during Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting:

1. Recruit those who will be going witnessing and pray for them during prayer time by asking for a show of hands of those who will be able to definitely come out at the appointed time.

2. Recruit the Prayer Team for Thur. Eve. and divide the 7:00-9:00 time into equal prayer periods. Eight (15) minute periods is recommended but it will depend on how many volunteers for Thur/Eve Prayer Team. Give out the names of those you will be witnessing to/visiting on Thur/Eve so that the Prayer Team can pray for them by name.

3. Be sure to give opportunity to the Soul-winners who went visiting last week to testify of their experiences from the previous week. Speak to the previous week's Soul-winners before the service encouraging them to share their experiences from the past week.

4. Include a measure of accountability when calling for testimonies from the Soul-winners and encourage those to come out who could be silent partners. Also husband/wife teams are encouraged to participate and make an effective Soul-winning team.

5. For effective door to door witnessing knowing the location/directions to homes and the names of the people at the homes you are visiting will help the soul-winning team greatly by paying for a list of new move-ins in your zip code. Computer Assisted Marketing, 45 Old Country Road South, Newbury, New Hampshire 03255, Ph. 603. 763. 5965,, is a company that can supply names and addresses of the new people moving into your specific area. Maps can be printed of the specific area, street under the SEARCH box click on 'Maps'. Most all search engines will have a link to provide maps, not just Yahoo. Using the printed maps will expedite the visiting effort by supplying names, addresses, and directions in one specific area.

6. Utilize an accurate record keeping system by using 3x5 cards containing the name, address and any pertinent information gained from the visit such as the names of the Soul-winners and the date the visit was made and the results: saved, unsaved, church, responses to questions etc. This information can be used to determine if a revisit is necessary by the Pastor/Leader at a later time. Cards and maps must be turned in to the Pastor/Leader and kept in files for revisits.

7. Additional Soul-winning information can be gained from the Soul-winning Newsletter messages at our website: and look in the list of past Soul-winning newsletters.

8. The recommended sequence for using the files/info provided:

a. SoulsJesus.doc  is an outline of a message which is the first to be presented to your people w/appropriate invitation

 b. Soulsfacts.doc is an outline of a message which is the second to be presented to your people w/appropriate invitation

c. Soulsprayer.doc provides a list of Soul-winning Opportunities and Biblical instruction on how to pray. This information can be presented along with the second message or used as a third message w/appropriate invitation.

d. Soulsplanwitnessing.doc provides an actual dialogue for witnessing house to house utilizing the survey/question method and can be modified to be used with a 'New Move-in Introduction' or simply 'We are visiting your area from ______Church’ Introduction.

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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